Sunday, October 25, 2009

Finding peace in simplicity

Today I begin the true decluttering process on my home. I love my home, and I want it to be a peaceful and welcoming place. The clutter and overfill of our stuff has taken some of the joy out of being here, and I don’t feel comfortable having people over.

I sincerely want to get rid of a lot of stuff today, and I want to let go of the idea that I have to find the “perfect place” for all of it in order to let it go. I think it will be most helpful if I simply bless the items and send them on their way to be of some good to someone else. Some of it will be taken to resale shops, and I will find an area to put those things until I put them in my car to transport. Other things will be listed on e-Bay or Craigslist. I will donate some, give away some, and throw away some. Probably won’t be throwing away much, though, because there’s not much real trash, just stuff I don’t need or use.

I have plastic tubs that are empty, and I can put things in them that I want to keep, like blankets. The areas with the most clutter are the basement and the living room (see photo). My bedroom is much better, and when I get the clothes sorted out (many extra clothes – I didn’t realize I was such a clothes-horse!) there will be even more space. The kitchen is an ongoing project.

I want to help others become more peaceful in their lives and their homes, so the first step is being a good example. I will journal the process here, and perhaps in this way I will SEE more of what is really here and will not be able to just put the blinders on and ignore it.

So, the scary part is letting anyone else in on what my home really looks like inside. It’s not as bad as some, but worse than many, I’m sure. We have only 680 square feet on the main floor; the basement is not counted as official living space, but we definitely use it, as my oldest son, Mark, has his bedroom down there. Now that’s a clutter of a different sort altogether! He’s in charge of that space – I try not to venture into the chaos, but he occasionally cleans it up and gets it looking really good.

Here we go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But it looks comfy.....not bad! I hear you is easier to breathe when there isn't so much stuff. My house is full of stuff. It's hard to get rid of things. I am working on it. Some things are going to the troops in Iraq...they can use them. Keep up the great writing. Love you!