I guess the music therapy last night did the trick! I'm in the "don't worry, be happy" mode and I'm feeling alright.
Lesson for the day: Never use another person as a crutch. Lean on them once in a while if you need to, as long as they can lean on you, too. But if you've ever used a REAL crutch, you know that those things only work one way... they hold YOU up. Not much a person can do FOR a crutch... so don't be a one-way leaner!
It felt like spring this morning in spite of the cold. I'm seeing robins all over the place now. And my spring flower bulbs are popping out of the ground! Love this time of year... growth, growth, growth all around. Can't wait for the grass and trees to get shockingly green! Each year it's like a feast for my eyes, the color blasting my eyes after all the drabness of winter. Oh, I'll get used to the green after a while and it won't seem so amazing, but the first few weeks of greening throw me into a tizzy of joy! Guess I don't need any mood-altering substance (except food!) when I can get such a thrill out of the change of seasons!
Off now, to find what treasures await me in shopping land. Oh, and in the kitchen. Looks like someone has been eating a lot of food lately... those blasted mood-altering substances! Well, we can't go without eating.
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